Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Brand Name: Musings

Product Page: https://amzn.com/B01CTJBI96
List Price atm: $15.88

This tea infuser is a new household favorite!
It’s such a delightful gadget for steeping your loose leaf tea that I am seriously going to get rid of our others. This one is too perfect and the others are messy, small and ineffectual next to it.
I cannot give it a sufficiently glowing review.
It’s sizeable, so it could steep a pot or a cup, as it states in the description. But seriously, a cup’s worth of ta just covers the bottom of it, if you put enough in here, you could steep a BATHTUB'S worth of tea. So, it would be very effective if you were planning to make large batches for events or gatherings. As is, I’ve only used it for single servings so far.
It’s well made and solid. It’s easy to clean and I haven’t had any tea debris slip through. The rubber bits stay put but don’t fight you when you need to take them off to wash. They are comfortable to hold and don’t get too hot to touch. The keep it from slipping around your cup edge, as well as from falling in. So no more fishing out your tea bag/ball or whatever other gadget you were previously using! The lid does not click, pop or screw into place, so please don’t expect that. It does stay put though, quite nicely.
Simply put, bring it on Winter, we’re waiting to be able to handle hot tea everyday because it is a JOY to use this product.
I received this product complimentary in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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